Tuesday, January 31, 2012

xSQL Version Control discontinued

After a lot of pondering we decided to discontinue xSQL Version Control. Despite the majorly positive feedback we received from users every time we asked, the interest in the product was “lukewarm“. Therefore, instead of continuing the struggle to make the product financially viable we decided to “kill it”.

In theory, a decision like this should be easy to make but in reality those products we create are not simple, rational financial investments but a mix of financial and not so rational emotional investment. It is that emotional component of the investment the one that drives the outstanding support we provide so in that sense it is a crucial component in the success of the product. But, on the other hand it is exactly that component which “fogs” the reason and makes decisions like this very hard to make.

To our current users: we will continue to provide free email support for xSQL Version Control indefinitely but we will cease making any further changes to it.


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