Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SQL Server Editions

SQL Server comes in a variety of editions each of which targets different audiences based on performance, runtime and price requirements. Here is a quick summary of the editions currently available for SQL Server 2019:

Express: SQL Server Express edition is free and it's one of the best choices for small software vendors, developers, and hobbyists learning and building data-driven client applications. There's also a lightweight version of Express called LocalDB which runs in user mode and is installed quickly without having to configure anything. SQL Server Express does have some limitations but it can be seamlessly upgraded (except for the money you need to pay) to higher end versions. Some of the limitations you should be aware of: 

  • max compute for a single instance is 1 socket or 4 cores
  • max memory buffer pool is 1,410 MB
  • max DB size is 10 GB
  • does not support most of the high availability features like log shipping, fast recovery etc.
  • only supports subscriber replication
  • SQL Profiler and SQL Server Agent are not available
Developer: SQL Server Developer edition is the best choice for hard-core developers as it includes all the functionality that the highest edition (Enterprise) includes so you can build and test any kind of application. However, this edition is restricted for development and testing only - it can not be used in production, therefore, as a developer you must consider the costs involved when deciding to utilize certain functionality that may only be available in the expensive Enterprise edition. 

Web: SQL Server Web edition targets Web hosts and Web VAPs aiming to lower the total cost of ownership. Limitations include:
  • max compute 4 sockets or 16 cores
  • max memory for buffer pool 64GB
  • missing some high availability features like backup compression, fast recovery etc.
  • missing some scalability features like resource governor, partitioned table parallelism etc.
  • No encryption for backups
  • Subscriber only merge replication
Standard: SQL Server Standard edition targets departments within large organizations and small organizations delivering basic data management and business intelligence.  Limitations include:

  • max compute 4 sockets or 24 cores
  • max memory for buffer pool 128 GB
  • missing some high availability features like mirrored backups, fast recovery etc.
  • missing some scalability features like resource governor, partitioned table parallelism etc.
Enterprise: SQL Server Enterprise edition is the ultimate edition that includes everything Microsoft has got to offer, it provides high availability, scalability, end-to-end business intelligence, fast performance, unlimited virtualization etc. The only limits on scalability are those dictated by the OS limits and the max relational database size being 524 PB


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